Argentina Polo Ranch

Rif: buenosairespoloranch
Size (m²)
Garden size (m²)


Important horse estate made and personalized in an oasis of green and perfumes, surrounded by more than 4.000 plants between secular, decennary and on fruit and equipped by regular Polo field, 1.100 mt. race track, 2 circular tracks for the breeding of horses plus lake and 2 wells of pure mineral water from the wider water reserve of the planet “Cuenca Acquifera Del Guarany” for the irrigation of the estate.

18 Has property including various structures and buildings such as: 450 sqm main farmhouse dated back to the first of XI century built in English style equipped with 6 X 12 mt. swimming pool completed by changing rooms and showers and protected by high shrubs and trees and hedges of Italian blackberry plus Jardin d’hiver completely surrounded by glass windows with tipical big barbecue (parilla) for large dinners and meetings.
Guests house, Guardian dependance, service dependance, hobbies house and games room with Windows on three sides equipped for the game of squash and basketball plus small vineyard and plants nursery such as black currant, hybrid blackberry, raspberries, blueberries and gooseberry and 3 further dependance.

Several agricultural buildings including huge canopy, silo for deposit fodder for 24,000 Kg. of feed, other dependance engaged as staff and responsible of the teams dwellings equipped with 4 x 8 mt. swimming pool plus main stable composed by 23 box for race horses and further 2 box for thoroughbred and mothers plus secondary 18 box stable

The plants are very rich and includes Large orchard equipped with 40 large plants as plums, peaches, apricots, nectarines, figs, oranges, grapefruit, lemons, kinotto, almonds, kernels, walnuts, chestnuts, 3 varieties of kiwis, cherry, black cherries, apples, pears, Japanese pears, medlar, Olive Trees plus second orchard of tropical plants such as Avocado, banana, Mango and papaya. A pinewood with plus than 180 pines of over 10 – 15 Mt. of height covers part of the estate which allow to collect more than 100 Km. annual porcini mushrooms. All the gardens and orchards are closed by hedges and Italian blackberry which collected more than 200 kg per year, served by irrigation, avenues and internal private roads.
Approximately 30 medicinal secular eucalyptus trees and hundreds more young of the same species make particularly perfumed the air and ensure firewood for the winter.

The position and the climate are very favourable. Well connected by roads and highways to Buenos Aires, the estate is situated adjacent a town equipped with all the services, schools, universities, market, hospitals and clinics. The climate is extremely mild and it is possible to use the swimming pools for more than 5 months a year.

The property boasts several facilities to complete such as jump school well placed and protected by secular trees with structure for the animals transport.
There is the project for the construction of a new main farmhouse lying over 1 has of grass fenced by pines and eucalyptus and a golf driving with 3 hole availability.
Important note is the possibility to convert the property into country club (the activity is currently collect enormous interest) selling part of the property as lot parcels.

Possible partial Exchange with Italian real estate.

ENERGY EFFICIENCY: Energy certification pending


Flaminia S.r.l.
Real estate and investments
24121 Bergamo – Italy
V.le Vitt. Emanuele II n. 65
Ph.  +39 035 231588
Fax +39 035 232714
Facebook: StudioImmobiliareValle
Twitter: ValleRealEstate
Skype: Valle-Real-Estate

Terrace - Swimming pool - Living room - Study - Closet

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