Boca Raton Luxuria

Rif: floridabocaratonluxuria
Size (m²)


Lush palm trees sway gently in the breeze. The warm ocean laps against the pristine Florida beach, and five-star concierge service tends to your every need. The classic architecture is unforgettable; the ocean views breathtaking. You are surrounded by the finest materials and the latest in home comforts. Boca Raton’s endless cultural treats are right are at your doorstep. This is Luxury. This is Luxuria.

With only 26 wonderful residences, Luxuria is an exceedingly private offering. Inspired by the grandeur of European royalty, yet designed to complement a highly evolved modern lifestyle, Luxuria stands apart as the very epitome of grand South Florida escape. Situated directly on the ocean in prestigious Boca Raton, only a select few will be able to call this unique building home.

Get away without going away using Luxuria’s alluring common spaces. The club room, with its saltwater fish tank, puts a billiard table, fully stocked bar, sitting lounge with fireplace, high definition flat screen and sound system at your disposal. The beachfront pool terrace comes with a catering kitchen, outdoor bar, fireplace and spectacular views of the Atlantic Ocean. The first-class screening room and state-of-the-art fitness salon complete an all-inclusive, resort-level lifestyle where your well-being comes first.

In addition to creating an unparalleled, oceanfront escape, Luxuria promotes mindful living by providing a comprehensive suite of world-class health and wellness facilities. The double height fitness center, complete with the latest TechnoGym equipment and custom training services, includes everything from free weights, cardiovascular machines and circuit training devices to men’s and women’s saunas and a highly advanced resistance pool. There are garden and patio views throughout, as well as outdoor jogging trails.

Luxuria’s artfully designed architecture is your canvas. Choose from an impressive selection of interior fixtures, amenities and accoutrements — and your residence becomes your personalized vision of the ultimate South Florida living experience. Your needs come first, and your privacy is paramount. The result is a living masterpiece: your home.

Luxuria’s lush interiors come with a long list of five-star detailing such as onyx bathrooms and custom kitchens that feature European, limited-edition custom cabinetry and a wide selection of granite and stone countertops. The interiors can be further accented with available packages from award-winning designers. Residences range in size from 4,500 to over 8,000 square feet, all with spectacular oceanfront views of the Atlantic. Every detail has been executed by master craftsmen with the utmost attention to detail. Enjoy your bliss.

When the tropical breeze beckons escape to your own idyllic retreat, a vast oceanfront terrace awaits — fully-equipped with one-of-a-kind outdoor kitchens. Whether enjoyed in tranquil solitude at sunrise or with friends at dusk, Luxuria’s grand private terraces raise South Florida’s sun-drenched natural beauty to a new level of outdoor perfection.


Flaminia S.r.l.
Real estate and investments
24121 Bergamo – Italy
V.le Vitt. Emanuele II n. 65
Ph.  +39 035 231588
Fax +39 035 232714
Facebook: StudioImmobiliareValle
Twitter: ValleRealEstate
Skype: Valle-Real-Estate

Balcony - Terrace - Air conditioner - Swimming pool - Living room - Study

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