
Vettignè Castle

Rif: vettigne10000_2
Size (m²)
Garden size (m²)


Important real estate property of over 10.000 sqm consisting of an ancient castle core with villa, former church, stables and residential buildings as well as court buildings and rural buildings equipped with plus than 36.000 sqm of lands.

The property is located in a particularly strategic position and of great logistical convenience, 5 minutes away from the Santhià motorway junction, 60 km from Turin, 85 km from Milan, 25 km from Biella and 20 km from Vercelli, immersed in the nature of the Baraggia area in a context of absolute unaltered quiet, one of the oldest self-sufficient rural villages in Europe in the heart of the Vercelli countryside.

The property is developed in various areas and buildings enclosed within a large courtyard (about 21.000 sqm) within which all the buildings face forming an entire village which is made up of the following portions:

Ancient castle core_
Nucleus of partly medieval and partly seventeenth-century origin consisting of a castle dating back to the 1300s, a former oratory, a former blacksmith’s house, a residential building on the north side, a keep, a villa and ancient stables, all for a total size of approximately 3400 sqm and overlooking a internal courtyard of about 700 sqm.

Court building_
Portions of collimating buildings spread over 2 levels that make up the perimeter of the property for a total of approximately 7200 sqm facing the internal courtyard and the areas outside the village.

Rural buildings_
Portions of buildings located within the internal courtyard for a total of 461 sqm.

The property has 3 driveways, one of which is a main central access with an avenue that crosses the entire courtyard and leads to the castle nucleus, 2 side entrances with external areas of relevance, the property is also equipped with 5 high quality private water wells.

The building complex is currently in a state of neglect, parts of the buildings are ruined and/or partially collapsed and part of the buildings need total renovation.

The property has a long and wide history starting from the year 1000, the erection of the fortified walls for the defense of the town (currently still present) dates back to the beginning of the 16th century, the construction of the fortress complex dates back to 1313, in the following centuries important noble families succeeded one another in ownership of the estate, renovations and expansions were carried out between 1700 and 1960, the year from which the village has undergone a progressive abandonment by the population up to the present day.

The property falls under the constraint of cultural interest of the superintendency for architectural and landscape assets, the compatible destinations are residential, productive, commercial, managerial, tourist accommodation, social welfare, health, for education and for worship, cultural social, recreational sports.

The types of interventions that can be implemented for each single area of the complex specified in conservative restoration, restructuring, demolition, building replacement and extraordinary maintenance.

A large preliminary project shared with the local administrations is available for the transformation of the structure into a prestigious Chateau relais / Eco Welness Resort with the following characteristics:
Hotel Sporting Club 4 stars_
52 hotel rooms, 30 duplex mini-apartments, restaurant, meeting rooms, exhibition spaces, wine bar, library, games room, bar and pool bar, gym, landscaped park with swimming pool, executive accommodation.
Wellness Center (Spa)_
reception, changing rooms, lounge bar, hammam, hydromassage pool, wellness tubs, renax room, saunas, treatment rooms.
Parking area, internal park with sports area.

€ 1.600.000,00

ENERGY EFFICIENCY: Building not subject to the obligation of energy efficiency certification


Further information and pictures are available in the BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT section of the web site


Flaminia S.r.l.
Real estate and investments
24121 Bergamo – Italy
V.le Vitt. Emanuele II n. 65
Ph.  +39 035 231588
WhatsApp: +39 3920190070
Facebook: StudioImmobiliareValle
Twitter: ValleRealEstate
Skype: Valle-Real-Estate

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(+39) 035 231588


(+39) 3920190070