
Dominican Republic Boca Chica

Rif: repdombocaaustralia60
Size (m²)


Elegant building of new development consisting of only 4 apartments and placed inside a prestigious residential complex equipped with concierge and leisure and sports facilities available to guests.

Apartments availability:
Ground floor, 2 one bedroom apartments of 60 sqm arranged in living room, kitchen, bedroom, 2 bathrooms, walk-in closet and terraces. € 105,000.00

All apartments are equipped with private entrance, a large patio or a fully covered terrace. The finishes are of high quality, with porcelain stoneware floors and walls, anodised aluminum fixtures and shielding blued glass. The accommodations are equipped with air conditioning, water tank and TV / cable internet system.

The resort is located 10 minutes from the wonderful Boca Chica beach and half an hour’s drive from Santo Domingo overlooking a large turquoise lagoon where the crystal clear sea and the white beach dotted with coconut palms invites to a complete relaxation. Here is a town that over the years has become one of the most famous tourist destinations in the Caribbean.

The property enjoys all the internal facilities and functionalities: a lovely poolside bar-restaurant, and a large swimming pool with Jacuzzi, solarium and sports courts.
The entire complex is equipped with 24/7 automatic generator sets, day and night surveillance with access control. There are also available as optional individual services such as laundry, maid, kitchen service, car rental, scheduled maintenance of the building.

Thanks to the fabulous tropical climate, with average temperatures from 20 ° C to 30 ° C, and the natural bay protected from winds and currents, Boca Chica is a magical place. There are all the services you may need: restaurants, bars, diving centers and a fantastic Nautical Club where you can rent boats for excursions or deep-sea fishing. A few minutes by car we find some of the most beautiful Golf Clubs in the world and the national underwater park “La Caleta” with its wrecks lying on the seabed. The street of shopping and entertainment is Avenida Duarte, a street that runs parallel to the coast and takes us into the heart of Central America with its colors, sounds and liveliness. And every evening, the Duarte closes to traffic and opens up to the long Caribbean night: here are the best restaurants and places where to end the day in joy.

Boca Chica is also a strategic place for those who want to buy a house in the Dominican Republic. Although it contains the soul and simplicity of the small seaside town, it is located near the capital (25 km), Las Americas International Airport (8 km) and will soon be connected to the center of Santo Domingo with the new metro. The equipped seafront is also being built, which will bring together five kilometers of wonderful beaches.

The complex offers to buyers an active return from the management of the property with customized solutions with guaranteed yield packages or management of tourism rentals. The company that owns the properties is absolutely solid and managed directly from Italy.


Flaminia S.r.l.
Real estate and investments
24121 Bergamo – Italy
V.le Vitt. Emanuele II n. 65
Ph.  +39 035 231588
Fax +39 035 232714
Facebook: StudioImmobiliareValle
Twitter: ValleRealEstate
Skype: Valle-Real-Estate

Balcony - Terrace - Air conditioner - Living room - Closet

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