08 Jun Bulgaria Black Sea Coast Byala

- BULGARIA _ BLACK SEA COAST _ BYALA Residential Development located at the extreme end of the promontory of Byala, located just a few meters away from the beaches with stunning sea view. Area with a strong tourist expansion very frequented by foreign clients including russians, Germans and north Europe. The town of Byala offers excellent commercial and sanitary facilities, cargo port currently in conversion for a modern and luxurious marina. Project approved and ready to work start for elegant resort for a total size of 2760 sqm that could be increased up to 3000 sqm. The project includes the development of 36 apartments, 7 garages and 9 car parking spaces as well as a large garden, solarium and swimming pool. Estimated Roi 40% € 440.000,00   VALLE REAL ESTATE Flaminia S.r.l. Real estate and investments 24121 Bergamo – Italy V.le Vitt. Emanuele II n. 65 Ph.  +39 035 231588 Fax +39 035 232714 www.studio-valle.com info@studio-valle.com Facebook: StudioImmobiliareValle Twitter: ValleRealEstate Skype: Valle-Real-Estate...

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