

Rif: maldive625
Size (m²)


A luxurious and unique, two-storey, three bedrooms overwater property of 625 sqm located in stunning overwater resort in the Maldives with all the features for leisure, sports and family.

It is located on the very tip of the sunset side of the resort and boasts fantastic sunset views.

The property is arranged in:
The ground floor features a gracious, expansive living room perfect for communing with family and
friends over spectacular views, a spacious master bedroom with a study, a dressing room and an ensuite
bathroom, and an additional bedroom with an en-suite indoor/ outdoor bathroom. The pool deck area can be accessed from each room on the ground floor and features a stunning 12-meter long lap pool, sunbeds and catamaran nets, as well as a fun water slide that goes straight into the lagoon.
The first floor comes with a third bedroom with an en-suite bathroom, a gym, a TV lounge and retractable roof for in-bed late night star-gazing.

The resort is located on one of the largest islands in The Maldives, within a beautiful, 5-kilometre turquoise lagoon. It is the lowest-density resort in the Maldives, making it a perfect destination for a quiet and relaxing holiday. The resort’s temperature averages at 28°C, with approximately 8 hours of sunshine per day.

The Resort is accessible by a 35-minute seaplane ride from Male International Airport or by a short speedboat ride from nearby Maafaru International Airport if travelling by private jet. Resort’s guests and homeowners have access to many facilities at the Gathering — an overwater, three- storey building that houses So Fresh with a bar and musician platform, So Imaginative tasting room, So Engaging chef’s table, So Cool, and outdoor dining areas such as So Starstruck and Deckadence. It is also home to the shop, gym, yoga pavilion, spa, gym and the Den a kids designated area.

Villa owners have the opportunity to benefit from a profit sharing arrangement by entering into resort’s villa rental programme.

In 2020 The Maldives was named the World’s Leading Destination at the Global Travel Awards and was listed among the top 6 destinations in 2021 by Lonely Planet.

Reserved negotiations


Further information and pictures are available in the WORLDWIDE SPOTLIGHT section of the web site


Flaminia S.r.l.
Real estate and investments
24121 Bergamo – Italy
V.le Vitt. Emanuele II n. 65
Ph.  +39 035 231588
WhatsApp: +39 3920190070
Facebook: StudioImmobiliareValle
Twitter: ValleRealEstate
Skype: Valle-Real-Estate

Balcony - Terrace - Mansard - Air conditioner - Swimming pool - Living room - Study - Closet

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(+39) 035 231588


(+39) 3920190070