Miami Wynwood

Rif: miwynwood
Size (m²)


From urban art to natural elements, Diesel Wynwood offers the best of both worlds with 143 individually designed penthouses and apartments, which represent the vision of the modern living.

The project is located in Wynwood, a strategic neighborhood in Miami, bordering the Design District, Buena Vista and Lagoon. Wynwood is home to more than 70 art galleries, antique shops, eclectic bars and one of the largest outdoor street-art installations in the world known as Wynwood Walls.

Wynwood was formerly the industrial district of Greater Miami, and developers in the last decade have rehabilitated abandoned warehouses, factories and other unused buildings, transforming them into numerous art complexes, galleries, exhibitions, restaurants, cafes and other creative activities that can be seen today. Although the influence and relevance of the art community in Wynwood is undeniable, new businesses of all kinds are being born and are successfully developing in the district.

The Winewood district is listed among the top 6 coolest neighborhoods in the United States and in twentieth position in the “America’s Best Hipster Neighborhoods” ranking drawn up by Forbes. Through the approval of the new zoonization plan, Wynwood lays the foundations for becoming one of the most important residential and retail locations in Miami.

This development project is a unique opportunity to purchase a piece of one of the coolest and most fashionable neighborhoods in the United States.

The building designed by Zyschovich Architects is composed of 143 apartments and penthouses with sizes available from the studio to apartments with 1 bedroom and 2 bedrooms.

Each apartment will be Diesel Branded in every detail, from the finishes to the furnishings with the possibility of selecting 4 types of environments, delivered finished and luxuriously furnished in every detail.

Each purchaser will receive the most expensive Diesel shirt ever, otherwise… By purchasing a Diesel T-shirt for Wynwood, the house in Miami is … a gift …

All services and common areas will be treated by mixing all the elements to create a wow environment with a strong Diesel approach and a Wow effect. It must become the true Diesel experience.
The corridors and halls of the lift are the connecting vein between the common areas and the apartments and must have a neutral appearance.

Penthouses are the highest range of our offer.
All apartments on the eighth floor have even higher ceilings (14 feet) than the other floors
(10.6 feet). All the apartments have a lot of light and especially towards the street side facade, they have a wide and open view. Most of the apartments are distributed on two levels and all have a spacious panoramic terrace. The penthouses will have a trendy casual loft style, these apartments are not only more spacious, but must have a distinctive character and higher internal standards, more luxurious than all the others. Higher finishes, more prestigious materials, more decorative elements and more expensive light installations.

Diesel Wynwood offers a great experience to live in. The residents of Wynwood Diesel are special and unique, they are positive thinkers, lovers of the environment, of art, they are dynamic, unconventional, intelligent and courageous. Diesel Wynwood wants to inspire residents to think alternatively and be the creators for a better future.

A unique investment opportunity in a high growth neighborhood for real estate values ​​with the possibility of exclusive pre-sale purchases.


Further information and pictures are available in the WORLDWIDE SPOTLIGHT section of the web site



Flaminia S.r.l.
Real estate and investments
24121 Bergamo – Italy
V.le Vitt. Emanuele II n. 65
Ph.  +39 035 231588
WhatsApp: +39 3920190070
Facebook: StudioImmobiliareValle
Twitter: ValleRealEstate
Skype: Valle-Real-Estate

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