
Stezzano Center

Rif: stezz750_1
Size (m²)
Garden size (m²)


Historical building dating back to 1300 currently to be completely renovated of 750 sqm located in a very central position within the historic core of Stezzano.

The property is located in a very central position a few steps from the central square of the town, from Moroni palace and from villa Zanchi and from all the services within walking distance, 5 km away from the city of Bergamo and the motorway junction, a few steps from the technological center of the Kilometro Rosso and from the shopping center in a position of great logistical convenience to reach the Orio al Serio airport and all the main road junctions.

The building is internally spread over 3 levels plus a portion of cellar in the basement, equipped with 2 internal stairwells and 2 towers, internally there are large halls with barrel and star vaults, original wooden beam ceilings, from the towers it is possible admire a beautiful view overlooking the town of Stezzano and overlooking the greenery of the park of villa Zanchi.

The property is also equipped with a portion of the external area of approximately 760 sqm partly for garden use, partly usable as private car parking spaces and partly with the right of way towards the adjacent courtyards.

The building has a size of 750 sqs for a total of 4.350 cubic meters, needs a total renovation and redesign according to needs, the roof has already been recently redone (ventilated roof) and the structure has been statically consolidated.

The property lends itself as an important private residence, for splitting into 3/4 prestigious independent housing units or even for use as a small accommodation facility (charming hotel or bed and breakfast) of which the property has an already ideal conformation.

The building is listed as a cultural and environmental asset, the planned intervention is a restoration and the project must be approved by the superintendency of fine arts.

€ 390.000,00

ENERGY EFFICIENCY: Energy certification pending


Flaminia S.r.l.
Real estate and investments
24121 Bergamo – Italy
V.le Vitt. Emanuele II n. 65
Ph.  +39 035 231588
WhatsApp: +39 3920190070
Facebook: StudioImmobiliareValle
Twitter: ValleRealEstate
Skype: Valle-Real-Estate

Garret - Terrace - Cellar - Living room - Study - Closet

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(+39) 035 231588


(+39) 3920190070