

Rif: Terricciola3000
Size (m²)
Garden size (m²)


Real estate property consisting of a small village of buildings for residential and agricultural use of approximately 2.600 sqm plus a prestigious manor house of 440 sqm and 23 hectares of land with olive groves and arable land.

The estate is located within the Pisan hills, 15 km away from Pontedera (easily reachable via the Florence – Pisa – Livorno highway), 35 km from Livorno, Castiglioncello and Volterra, 70 km from Florence in a central position both to reach the sea of Tuscany, both to reach the tourist and historical locations of the hinterland both in the Pisan, Sienese and Florentine areas.

The property consists of various buildings, most of which are located in a private courtyard easily accessible via internal roads and in particular:
Building consisting of 3 houses plus garage and storage room.
Building consisting of 3 houses plus warehouses and agricultural warehouses on the ground floor with oven, garage, large cellar for agricultural use with storage for agricultural tools and vehicles, habitable attic and storage rooms.
Building consisting of agricultural sheds with storage rooms and oven, as well as a rabbit hutch, stable and adjoining barn.

Further buildings are present 200 meters away from the property and located near the town center and in particular:
Small church, further home, large rooms used as cellars and warehouses for the processing and storage of wine, equipped with independent access and an external area.

Important manor house dating back to 1600 of 440 sqm spread over 2 levels above ground, equipped with large independent driveway access with tree-lined avenue, courtyard, lemon house and garages, and internally composed as follows:
On the ground floor, large main entrance with large frescoed living room and fireplace, large kitchen, large dining room, second living room, study and service room as well as service entrance and bathroom.
On the first floor, reachable via a large and spectacular original staircase, there is a further important frescoed hall with balcony and panoramic view, 4 large bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 2 walk-in closets.

The manor house has been maintained over the years in its total originality, equipped with precious Venetian floors, ceilings with valuable frescoed vaults, an important original staircase with high frescoed ceilings, a heating system with radiators and gas boiler, the property presents in excellent conditions of use to be adapted if necessary according to the need for use, the villa is not bound to the superintendence of fine arts.

The other buildings in the village and the real estate units that compose it require renovation works based on the intended destination and the needs of the buyer, the apartments for residential use are currently rented to multiple families.

The property is also equipped with 23 hectares of land, mostly located in a single body around the village and the villa, while some lots are located in the immediate vicinity, the current uses of the land are olive groves for approximately 22.000 sqm (of which large part located around the main villa), arable land for 179.000 sqm, vineyard for 10.000 sqm as well as orchard, pasture and a small portion of forest.

The property is suitable both as an important private home with an already active agricultural company, and as an agritourism company, and as a charming hotel with the possibility of changing the intended use.

€ 2.700.000,00

ENERGY EFFICIENCY: Energy certification pending


Further information and pictures are available in the ITALY SPOTLIGHT section of the web site


Flaminia S.r.l.
Real estate and investments
24121 Bergamo – Italy
V.le Vitt. Emanuele II n. 65
Ph.  +39 035 231588
WhatsApp: +39 3920190070
Facebook: StudioImmobiliareValle
Twitter: ValleRealEstate
Skype: Valle-Real-Estate

Tavern - Garret - Balcony - Terrace - Mansard - Cellar - Living room - Study - Closet

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(+39) 035 231588


(+39) 3920190070